Simlink Error-Please Help

I’m running X-Plane 12 (latest version), Simlink, and Navigraph Charts on a Mac Studio M2 Ultra. I check that Simlink is running, then load X-Plane 12 and Navigraph Charts in that order. When I download my flight plan from Simbrief into Charts and click on the icon to show my aircraft location I get a message at the bottom of the Charts screen that “Could not connect to simulator. Smiling needs to be running.” But Simlink is running. When I restart Simlink it says I need to sign in to my Navigraph account, which I’m already signed into. I’ve tried signing out and signing back in, but it doesn’t help.
What do I need to do to fix this?
Thanks, Murphy


Please check the below points,

  1. Make sure you have logged in Simlink application and Navigraph charts application with the same Navigraph user.
  2. To communicate with X-Plane 12, you need to install Simlink Plugins to the X-Plane 12. Please check whether Simlink Plugins are installed or not.

Please let us know, whether the issue is fixed or not.

Kind Regards,

Vishal Ahir

Hi Vishal,

Thanks for the prompt response. I have only one Navigraph account so that isn’t a problem. I checked in X-Plane 12 and the Simlink plugin is installed and active. (I even have Navigraph charts via Avitab working.) However, when I open the Charts app on my Mac and try to follow my flight in X-Plane, it give me the responses pictured below. The first one is the result of my signing in to Navigraph after being prompted by the Navigraph Simlink sign in prompt (which reappears after I sign in), and the second shows the result in Navigraph Charts when I try to activate flight following:

Thanks again,
Richard Murphy

Hi Vishal,

Please disregard my previous email with pictures. I found your solution on the forum and it fixed my problem.

Thank you so much!
Richard Murphy

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