STARs Runway Specific

I am not sure if this is a NavData issue or a PMDG issue (737-800). As of late, the STARs in my FMS are not runway specific. For example, I was coming into KATL on the OZZZ1 RNAV ARR. Flying on VATSIM, I wait to load the runway especially an airport like KATL that has parallel runways until I am assigned one by approach control. On my FMS, it only says OZZZI1, I remember in the past you could choose OZZZI1 for a specific runway. (Example: OZZZI1 08L, OZZZI1 08R, OZZZI1 09L, OZZZI1 09R, and OZZZI 10) So at the very last minute I have to manually enter the waypoints in the FMS for the specific runway. I have the latest update as well. Please help, am I missing something.

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