Star at SEQM missing (data)

Hi, I recently purchase Navigraph (data & charts) just Wow !!

I found the chart RNAV 2 Feeder Route 10-2 for SEQM, but those waypoints (and restrictions) are not in the Database. My Simbrief is updated dans my FMS in Xplane to… but this Star is no available in the FMC.

I am missing something ? Other flights are perfect ! thank you.

this STARs can’t be coded for the data due the missing STAR ident/name. Therefore it’s not included … but you can enter the few waypoints manually according the charts.


Thank you Richard for this quick replie. I had a few time this issue in the past (before my purchase) and made waypoint manually like you said… So I suppose that’s the normal procedure in this case.

Thank you, Pierre CYUL

Yes Pierre, in such cases where no procedure identifier are available, such procedures can’t be coded. This rule is a general rule, means also valid for SIDs.

Sorry for that,

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