After starting the PC I receive a message saying that new version of simlink is available, but update does not work.
error: simlink is running - unable to close app
Thanks for your tip
I got the same thing! Did this get resolved?
just open the Task Manager on your pc and click on Details then search for NAVIGRAPHSIMLINK, select it and click on End Task.
that worked for me
Thank you, thah worked to me too
Navigraph Simlink application installer will close the running Simlink application before start installation.
Please make sure that Simlink Installer run with Admin rights.
Kind Regards,
Vishal Ahir
Hello, the problem I had was that when I wanted to install the update, the installer could not close Simlink and that is why I could not install the update but I followed the steps of another user who had the same problem and now I can install it and It works well.
( just open the Task Manager on your pc and click on Details then search for NAVIGRAPHSIMLINK, select it and click on End Task.
that worked for me )
thanks, I will try your way.
best regards
I will check about Administrator rights. I am not sure
best regards
I will try, best regards
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