Simlink there and not there

In Navigraph charts I cannot initiate the aircraft symbol, I get a message to say that Simlink must be running. When I launch Simlink it says it is already running.

I often get the same complaint, but not always. Sometimes everything works as it should. I must be doing something differently, but what?
I use Process Explorer to verify that simlink is running. I always have Charts open when I start MSFS.

Hello! Sorry for the late response.

Do you still have this issue @Robert79 ? It is likely due to one of these reasons:

  • You signed into Simlink with a different account compared to the one in use in the Charts application
  • Network issues are preventing Simlink from sending updates to our servers
  • You use any simulator other than MSFS, and have not installed the necessary plugin

Surely there are even more reasons, but these are the most common ones. If you are still having these issues, it would be great if you could upload the log file! You can do this by following these instructions:

  1. Open Simlink
  2. Select the Logs tab
  3. Press the Open log folder button in the bottom right
  4. In the explorer window that opens, find the latest modified file and upload it to your next post here!

Kind Regards,