A few days ago, simlink stopped working on the internet cloud base charts, simlink is running . however if I open the Desktop charts application and use that simlink connects correct and shows the moving icon.
Im using firefox as my browser, and this has never happend befor where simlink works on the desktop charts app, but not via the browser.
The Simlink application must run on the Simulator system for Moving map functionality.
Can you please check whether Simlink is running with a valid Navigraph user?
And if you have an issue with Simlink login with Firefox web Browser then please check this.
To enable the moving map functionality in the Simlink application, you need to use the same login credentials as the ones you use for the Navigraph Charts Application.
After logging in to the Simlink application, you will see a status window like this:
If you still see the Sign-in screen in the Simlink application, please click on the Sign-in button and log in using your Navigraph user credentials.
Please let us know if you are still experiencing the issue.