Simlink has stopped working (Mac)


I have been enjoying Navigraph (both chats and FMS) for a while. After updating to 2202 cycle, I cannot get the simlink to work. When I am prompted to register, I go through (or it seems to). I have unsinstalled simlink and downloaded again.

Reviewing the simlink app info, it seems like ir does not detect a valid flight, although I have XP 11.50 open.

These are two screen captures showing that the path to the simulator seems OK but it does not detect the flight.

I would appreciate your support,

Thanks a lot,


Hi Juan,


With X-Plane closed,

In Navigraph Simlink Plugin Settings as above, click uninstall/install Simlink. Do you get the successful install message?

Run X-Plane. In Navigraph Simlink Status, do you now get successful connection:


Thanks a lot.

I do not know how, but it started to work again.

Great product!

Kind regards,


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Hi Juan,

Funny things these computers. You are welcome. Thank you for kind words.

Happy flying


3 posts were split to a new topic: Charts and Simlink Login Issues