Dear Navigraph Simlink team,
since Navdata cycle 12/2021 Navigraph supports the (standalone) Aerowinx PSX simulator which is a major step forward for us Aerowinx users. I already said “thank you” to Richard, but thanks again once more.
I’d like to ask one question to the Simlink team, which is actually a question asked more than once in the Aerowinx forum.
The question is whether Simlink can be extended to support Aerowinx PSX directly.
Currently, the position of the Aerowinx PSX simulator - which is a standalone simulator (with a very basic visual scenery) can only be shown in Navigraph Charts when a visual scenery system is connected (by an add-on which transmits the PSX sim position to the visual sim), typically P3D, XP11, MSFS. For this setup, Simlink gets the position “as usual” from the (visual) flight simulator.
Now, some setups / users however, use Aerowinx PSX in a standalone setup and wish to see their position on Navigraph charts nevertheless. I wonder whether a PSX interface can be added in Simlink?
Background Information:
Since Aerowinx PSX is designed for home cockpits with multiple instances running in parallel und multiple connected add-ons, it has by design a very simple yet powerful interface to access (and modifiy) data.
The PSX-specific code can be handled in - let me guess - 20 lines of code, e.g. easily, plus some error handling and the UI handling (e.g. if both PSX + P3D present, connect only to one user-selectable sim)
e.g. in Pascal
// Connect to PSX
// Event Handler: OnReceive Event from TelnetClient
ReceivedData := TelnetClient.GetMessage // ASCII text, CR/LF seperated
// eventually, a line will come by which starts with the Qs121 variable and “;” separated data
// like this ‘Qs121=5732;-7;1.108087;30935472;487968;0.55015;-0.763793’#13
// do some RegExpr
lat := 180/Pi * 0.55015; // item 6
long := 180/Pi * (-0.763793); // item 7
There are competent programmers in the community who surely can and will supply more demo code if required (C, Python, Java, Pascal, TCL, … ). Don’t worry about licenses and stuff, all PSX addon programmers have only written freeware so far.
It would be great to have Aerowinx Simlink support, since Aerowinx is now supported from the Navdata site. If you have any questions or need contacts, just let me know. Further discussion would be much appreciated by the PSX community.
Thanks a lot,
Since Aerowinx PSX is written in Java, it runs on any system, either Windows, MacOS or Linux.