Simlink erase plugins?

Installed simlinks yesterday and then a few of my plugins were erased from the plugins folder and inside the sim. Trying to see if this is simlinks related or possibly Malwarebytes that did this to me. I have since deleted both of those and tried installing the plugins again and they again don’t show up. Any idea’s?

Thank you


Hi Angelo,



  1. Disable any Antivirus and Firewall.
  2. See FAQ - Simlink Install and Systray
  3. In Navigraph Simlink Plugin Settings, for your FS entry press Uninstall Simlink.
  4. Use Windows to uninstall Simlink.
  5. If they exist delete folders c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Navigraph\Simlink and c:\Program Files\Navigraph\Simlink
  6. Download and install latest Simlink .
  7. In Plugin Settings make sure path to your FS is correct

Please let us know how you get on
