Simlink doesn't work anymore for 2 days


2 days ago, Simlink was working perfectly. But since this morning, this is no longer the case. This is what the software window shows me when I try to connect:


I followed the reset procedure described in the FAQ, set Chrome as the default browser and disabled the firewall to test, but it didn’t work. Simlink stubbornly refuses to connect me. My OS hasn’t been updated and I’m not using any proxy.

I use Simlink for MSFS, my OS is Windows 11 23H2.

Here are the logs:
simlink_2024-08-03.dlog (2.1 KB)

I’ve tried unlogging from Navigraph Charts and relogging, and it worked perfectly.

Can you help me ? Thanks in advance.

Problem solved. For any reason, PiHole suddenly blocked trafic from Simlink. I guess there’s been an update of the blocking lists.

Thank you for the update. Glad it is resolved.


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