Hi Everyone,

I hope that you are all well. I was setting up a flight after installing Airac 2211 Rev 2 to MSFS. The flight was from ZGSZ - ZHHH, flight plan was set up with simbrief; however, when importing the flight plan into MSFS, I notices that no SID / STARS are available for any Runway.

I have uninstalled Airac 2211 Rev 2, and rechecked ZHHH, and all STARs / SIDs came back, but as soon as I reinstalled using the Navdata Center they all disappear again.

Is anyone else having the same issue?

in 99% of the cases, the reason is an outdated scenery in the MSFS (missing runways or wrong runway idents). There are hundreds of such airports in the MSFS which are completely outdated.

Compare the runways in MSFS and the real-world one:

You see, completely out of sync and therefore you can´t select any terminal procedures, because when the sim can´t assign a runway to an existing terminal procedure (and there are all included in the current 2211 revision 2), the sim disable all these procedures and you can´t select it.

It´s possible that you can select terminal procedures when you don´t use our navdata update but this indicates only, that the stock navdata can´t be up to date because as you see, there is no runway 04/22 existing in real.

Sorry, that´s not what we have in our hand, This is a sim limitation …

When you find a 3rd party scenery, which has all runways included, all correct runway-idents you can select the terminal procedures immediately.

Here, when I use a 3rd party scenery of ZHHH:

SIDs available and selectable:

STARs available and selectable:

By the way, that´s exactly the reason, why most of the addon developer try to add an external database to be independent of the MSFS and the old/outdated stock sceneries.

So, no navdata issue - it´s an MSFS issue, sorry …


Hi Richard,

Many thanks for all your help! It’s appreciated for you taking the time to give an in depth explanation of the issue.

Looks like I’m going to have to go scenery shopping.

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