Sending Flight Plan from Charts in FS2024 Tablet


I hope this is the right area. It’s charts, but installed by the Hub install!
Given the apparent bugs in FS 2024 flight plans this may be premature, but…

When exporting my “YPPF to YKSC” VFR flight plan to the FS avionics. All I get is:
One the GTN 750:

On the FS 2024 Garm in 530: Nothing at all.

Hello! Welcome back to our forum!

Could you provide me with the whole route, as reported in Charts? That way we can try to reproduce the issue.

Kind Regards,

G’day, sure.


This is what it looks like in the 530.

Thank you!

Two things:

Kind Regards,

G’day Malte,

PMS50 GTN 750. And yes, they already have an FS 2024 installer. It has two import modes.

  1. Import from ATC. This fails just like the default 530, as shown above.
  2. Import from the pln file at “pms50-instrument-gtn750\fpl\gtn750\fpl.pln” directly. This works fine. I can see everything and fly it. I don’t know if it uses nav data at all or just uses data from the pln file.

The main aircraft I tried were the Carenado 182 RG, default caravan and the A2A Comanche. They all gave the same effect as per the screenshot. Neither the G1000 or 530 worked.

I tried the default 172, the 430 only lists the origin and destination. It is missing the enroute waypoints, like the others.

Interestingly. The first time I load the plan this morning I could have sworn that the globe showed the plan fine. Bug second and subsequent attempts with other aircraft. it only showed the origin and destination. I should video this stuff…


  1. The flight plan never shows the VFR waypoints in the main menu globe. I thought it might have once, but no.
  2. The 750 fpl.pln is created by me exporting the FS2020 flight plan to the appropriate folder. That part is nothing to do with Navigraph in terms for exporting a flight plan. I just included it to show that the GTN 750 can display the correct waypoints. Een if going though ATC doesn’t.

Hello! Sorry for the delay.

I have now looked into this, and the reason why you see nothing exported is basically because of this:

For some reason, the simulator is missing many waypoints. In this case, 100% of your route is missing if you ignore the custom waypoint. There is a 99.99999% chance that this will be fixed as soon as we release our own navigation data for MSFS 2024.

Our data provider, Jeppesen, has the best coverage and quality of all data providers worldwide and this is just one scenario where this becomes apparent. Australia is one of the regions that usually do not receive the same level of care by other data providers.

In the meantime, I do find it interesting that you are saying the GTN750 can load this route fine from a PLN file… These facilities (OHB, MLIT etc) do not exist in the avionics or the planner, so I am not sure how that would work. I tried it myself, and I got the same result as from our export:

Here is the file I used:

fpl.pln (3.6 KB)

Could you upload the pln file that you are using to make it load the flightplan successfully?

Kind Regards,

Hey Malte,

I could have sworn I already wrote about using “User” waypoint type, but it must have been another forum. Sigh.

Yours won’t work because the missing waypoints defined as “Intersection”.

What I’ve learned so far.

  1. The 750 “works” with a small kludge because it the fpl.pln file bypasses FS ATC.
  2. The 750 fails if it reads the plan from ATC too.
  3. FS24 WT V1 GPS units are pretty much completely useless (in my experience).
  4. FS24 WT V2 GPS units seem to work well except where they are missing waypoints. Like mine.
  5. I hadn’t quite realised your data wasn’t working at all at the start, yet which is why it didn’t work with the subscription.

The upshot: I’ll just have to try to be patient :slight_smile:

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