Scenery Mismatch With NavData (VEBD)

This is Hulk, writing on behalf of Design India,

A problem we’ve been facing with creating scenery which can be compatible with third party aircrafts too. We are designing and creating VEBD - Bagdogra airport for MSFS. Aircrafts like the Fenix A320 which work off of the Navigraph Data directly are unable to properly align with the runway (while on ILS) and always slew a little bit to the left .

We contacted the developers over at Fenix to clear the problem out and they recommended that we contact you guys at Navigraph since they function off of your database.

Could you please advise us on a solution for this issue? We are ready to provide any more information that you might need in order to create the scenery true to life.

Screenshot for the following

please can you forward us the following coordinates from the scenery:

  • Localizer coordinates
  • Glideslope coordinates
  • and if available the DME coordinates

We need this information to compare it with our data and/or the AIP data. Thank you



Sorry for the inconvenience but could you give an idea on where to find the following information?

Ah I thought you’re the designer of this sceney, sorry. In this case please inform the designer to get in contact with us to cross check their values.

I have just compared our coordinates with the AIP and the coordinates in our source are correct so far. So, I assume any missmatch between the values which they use against the values what we use …

Thank you

As mentioned before, I am writing this on behalf of the designer and acc to him, he has been using your co-ordinates and it still results in that discrepancy. Editting anything on the MSFS side won’t fix what the aircrafts use on the navigraph natively.

All the aircrafts which operate on the native MSFS database work normally.

please he/she should contact us directly. It’s not helpful via a third voice between. When the designer uses our coordinates, its easy for them to publish it as I have requested.

Thank you

Hi! I am the developer of the scenery, I have attached the co-ordinates of the instruments. Please have a look and do let me know if you need any other information. Thanks!

sorry, possible I’m blind but where are the antenna coordinates (latitude, longitude) for:

  • the localizer
  • the glideslope
  • the dme (if available)

Also, when possible the runway coordinate (latitude, longitude) and the heading (mag, true).

Thank you

Runway parentGroupID=“1” lat=“26.68130608859079” lon=“88.32802768552551” alt=“127.06648057512939” heading=“1.72001600265503” length=“2743.60888671875000” width=“45.00000000000000” patternAltitude=“304.79998779296875”

The first part has the magvar,ILS,DME,Glideslope co-ordinates and the second part has the RWY co-ordinates. Is there a way to prevent the custom localizer from being replaced by the navigraph?

Thank you very much, I will check it in the next days and will come back to you here. Thank you very much!


I also tried testing the default A320 with the default scenery and it was still showing the same problem (I had no third party addon related to this airport or any aircraft)