SBJH Duplicated runway

Please read my posting again …

It doesn´t make any different if you rename our folder or not because all packages in the Official folder will be loaded FIRST - automatically, you have no influence on it. After that, all packages in the Community folder will be loaded - independent if you have renamed it or not. This “renaming” of packages in the Community folder are useless because you can prioritize it via the content.xml file, as I have posted before.

The problem is, that all packages in the Community folder "overrule possible loaded packages before from the Official folder.

  1. sim loads ALL packages from Official folder, where your SBJH scenery is located
  2. sim loads ALL packages from Community folder, where the navdata-packages are located

So, #2 overrule/merge #1 because it will be loaded after … and you have no option to avoid this. In the past (before SU10) all packages (from the Official and Community folder) where added in this content.xml file automatically and you had the possibility to say, which packages will be loaded when, and which package will “overrule/merge” other packages. But since SU10 this is not possible any longer.

All packages from the Official folder will be loaded automatically via the sim logic.

You can ONLY re-order/re-prioritize all packages from the Community folder.

I invite you again to test this:
Try to move the Marketplace SBJH from the Official folder to the Community folder, add the SBJH package in the conent.xml file and you will see that all is good.

No double runways because of two reasons:

  1. your SBJH package will be loaded from the Community folder
  2. and due the entry in the content.xml file the SBJH package will be loaded AFTER the navigraph-navdata-base package (which includes the SBJH airport from us and which produce the additional runways) - so your SBJH package “overrule” our base-package and therefore it works
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <Package name="fs-base-nav" priority="1"/>
  <Package name="navigraph-navdata-base" priority="2"/>
  <Package name="geardownsimulations-sbjh-airport" priority="3"/>  
  <Package name="navigraph-navdata" priority="4"/>

And this isn´t possible with Marketplace addons because the content.xml file looks since SU10 only in the Community folder, so you can do this only with folder from the Community folder.
