Duplicate Runways after SU10 (Vpilot Design MPTO)


After I updated to SU10, the issue with duplicate runways at MPTO scenery came back. Before SU10, I fixed it by deleting navdata, content.xml, start the sim, close it and reinstall navdata. That used to fix the issue. But now, with SU10, this fix is no longer working. Whenever I reinstall navdata, the duplicate runway will come back live. Now I do understand that content.xml is not anymore used. But why does everytime that I reinstall navdata and restart the sim, it generates a new one?

I just want a fix for this annoying issue.

Thanks a lot.

I haven’t found any report to your issue in the past. So how should we know this, when you don’t report it?

I don’t have this 3rd party scenery but do you see the same behavior with the stock MTPO scenery?

Because when not, it’s an issue with the 3rd party scenery and not the navdata.

I will test this in the next couple of hours too but again, I can only test this against the stock scenery. In most of the cases its an issue with the scenery, which doesn’t set some settings.
But let me test it with the stock scenery and we will see what we can do.


Thank you for your swift reply.

There is indeed a topic about the exact same situation. If you can have a look at it.


… but you know that this topic is nearly 2 years old and was solved via the Navigraph Navdata Center as now too.

Do you use the latest version 1.0.12? Please confirm it …

Please upload your content.xml file, that we can check it.

Also please try, if this happens without the scenery also, means only with the stock scenery? I can’t reproduce it without your 3rd party scenery …


Yes, I am indeed using the latest version 1.0.12. This happens with the payware scenery. I honestly can’t fly without this scenery… I will upload my content.xml but please note that I deleted it when I tried resolving the issue as per the other topic.

Content.xml (234 Bytes)

ok, after nearly 5 hours of investigation, it seems that the new priority-system isn´t working as expected and I would explain why:

The VPILOT-3rd party scenery is only available via MarketPlace, so it´s included in the Official-family (means in the Official/OneStore folder).

The navdata package is not a MarketPlace addon, it will be installed from outside of the sim, so it´s include in the Community-family (means in the Community folder).

The loading order in the sim (very simple and not complete) is now:

  1. all Official packages first
  2. all Community package next

You see the ordering (means which package will be loaded when) also in the dev-mode:

That means, the VPILOT scenery will be loaded BEFORE the navdata-packages will be loaded. Ok, normally no problem.

The problem in this special case with MPTO now is, that this airport is not included in the stock scenery of the sim - this airport doesn´t simple exists (when you don´t have installed any 3rd party scenery for MPTO). So, when we see that an airport is missing in the stock scenery of the sim, we add this airport plus the runways that all user can start/land to this airport. It´s a kind of very simple scenery - only the runway with the markers, lights and the navigation facilities - no buildings, taxiways or similar else. Also here, no issue …

BUUUUUT now … you have two different packages with runways included - one from the VPILOT scenery and one from our base-package (because MPTO isn´t included in the sim), the double runways are now the result of this.

Ok, we have the new priority system now … great. So, I have added the VPILOT scenery now between our base package and the navdata package:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <Package name="fs-base-nav" priority="1"/>
  <Package name="navigraph-navdata-base" priority="2"/>
  <Package name="vpilotdesigns-scenery-mpto" priority="3"/>  
  <Package name="navigraph-navdata" priority="4"/>

That means normally the VIPLOT package overwrite our base package (where the MPTO airport with the runways is included) but exactly that doesn´t work. The VPILOT package will still loaded before, regardless which priority I set.

So, it looks like, that MarketPlace addons can´t be prioritized or it´s a bug in the new re-ordering tool.
I can´t check the scenery itself because the bgl-file is encrypted - so I can´t really say if they have forgotten something to delete but I think it´s more the loading order which results in this issue and not the scenery per se.

In this case, we can´t do anything for the moment because we can´t expect that everyone uses the VPILOT 3rd party scenery, therefore we must include the MPTO runways in our base-package. I will try open a ticket in the MSFS dev-forum with this question - hopefully, I get an answer. We have not the possibility to fix this, sorry.

… and sorry for this long explanation. I know it´s very technical but I have no clue how I can show you this easier.



Here the ticket/question to this in the developer forum, which I have opened now:


Hello Richard and thank you for your detailed reply. I will be standing by for anything new. I spoke with the scenery designer and they told me that the only fix is via the developer mode “scenery package order” and I have to place both navigraph folder on top of the MPTO. I tried many times but it is impossible as it always reloads and put the scenery on top of the navigraph folders (as per your explanation).

Hi again,.
the VPILOT devs has also reported this now in the dev forum. It looks really a bug or it is not intend to priorized Marketplace sceneries.

None Marketplace sceneries can be re-ordered correctly.

We will see what MS/ASOBO say but I assume without there help, VPILOT nor we can fix this.

Thanks again

PS: and it seems that is not a SU10 issue, when you have done tricks before also to use this scenery

Hi, I just want to inform you that a similar problem is happening for azurpoly LFTH airport. This airport does not exist in stock MSFS but developed by azurpoly.

After SU10 i got the double rwys problem (again).

The fix is similar as above:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <Package name="fs-base-nav" priority="1"/>
  <Package name="navigraph-navdata-base" priority="2"/>
  <Package name="azurpoly-airport-lfth-toulon-hyeres" priority="3"/>
  <Package name="navigraph-navdata" priority="4"/>

and no more double runways,


Yes Pascal, we know this thanks but as I have wrote it: this doesn’t work with sceneries bought via Marketplace directly in the sim.

What I know is, that the 3rd party scenery you mention is NOT in/from Marketplace.

Further, when you have read my posting in the dev forum I have tried exactly this. Thats the reason, why we have implement this re-ordering automatically via the Navigraph Navdata Center.

But all works only with NONE Marketplace sceneries - or does it work on your system with the Vpilot MPTO scenery too?


Hi @youyou,
during the weekend, we have now really found out that this is a bug in the sim. When you move the VPilot-MPTO scenery from your Official/OneStore folder into your Community folder + the settings from my previous posting

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <Package name="fs-base-nav" priority="1"/>
  <Package name="navigraph-navdata-base" priority="2"/>
  <Package name="vpilotdesigns-scenery-mpto" priority="3"/>  
  <Package name="navigraph-navdata" priority="4"/>

You will see, no double runways - the scenery works perfect and also you have all terminal procedures.

Here the correct loading order, as expected:

So, its clear now, that packages from the MarketPlace (which will be stored in the Official/OneStore folder) can´t be prioritized. So you have currently two workaround options, till this is fixed from ASOBO:

Don´t buy 3rd party sceneries from the MarketPlace, buy it from outside
move the MarketPlace sceneries to your Community folder manually

I have also updated our posting in the MSFS dev forum with our new findings - but I´m not 100% sure, that this is either a bug or a “not documented” feature.


Ok, ASOBO has answered:

It´s not a bug in their eyes, you can´t prioritize any 3rd party sceneries bought from MarketPlace because these packages will be now (from SU10 on) loaded automatically during the startup. So you have no possibility to “overwrite” sceneries, which you have bought via MarketPlace.

In other words, we can do nothing - in the past (before SU10) there were all packages sortable, now only the packages from the community-folder. As I have written in my answer to ASOBO, a step backward …

… from the bad to the good news:
I have found a solution for this without moving the scenery. I´m currently testing this solution but it looks good and when it works, we will implement it in the NNC. But please be patient - I´m working on it.

ASOBO can´t help us here at the moment and it´s unclear (according their statement) if they will ever change this logic and when.


Hello Richard,

Thank you very much for your swift reply and thank you for the hard work. We will be waiting for the new fix. So I will move the scenery to community temporarily.


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Hello Richard,

I have a similar problem I can’t solve, but with a homemade scenery.

  • Airport FPPR (Place: Ilha do Principe (island of Principe), Country: SĂŁo TomĂ© e Principe
  • No stock Airport. Closest airport stock scenery is FPST.
  • Only Navigraph simple runway (actually is in wrong position, is the old position)
  • I made a new airport scenery FPPR (I made many others sceneries and they work fine)
  • I deleted all runways in SDK building scenery (I am sure of this).
  • Still see the Navigraph runway as a duplicated runway
  • I have latest Navigraph software. 1.0.12.
  • I have the sim all updated. SU10
  • The problem started with SU10, worked fine before.
  • When I uninstall Navigraph scenery it works fine. (AIRAC 2210 rev 1)
  • My airport is in the community folder of course.
  • Everything with fresh installations, Navigraph software’s and MSFS2020, I thought a lost cache anywhere could influence this.

Navigraph airport.

My airport with 4 runways, three 36, and one 18.

Overlapped Runway over my new airport. (when in SDK I don’t see it)

Passed hours trying to see what I did wrong.
Anything I should check?
Any solution for this at this time?
Any artificial priority I should implement?
Thank you in advance.

Hi Antonio,
no, we all can’t do anything for that. It seems that the new priority logic doesn’t work as expected or at least not in the same way as with all the previous versions. We are still testing SU11, possible it is fixed here.


Thank you Richard for you quick answer.
Good to know, anyway, that is nothing to do with my projects.

Hello @NAVDataOld . MPTO has been added by default in the sim. Is there a way for you guys to not include in your next update? Same case with SKUI which we also developed.

our parser checks on every cycle, which airports are per default in the sim and which not. When airports are not in the sim, they will be added with the runways. For all others we add only the airport relevant information (like terminal procedures, ILSs, …)

I have checked your examples now against the upcoming AIRAC 2211 and both airports are not included any longer due this check. So, the duplicate runways should be solved …

Thank you,

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