Runway numeration issue when using SKIB marketplace scenery

Hi! I purchased the SKIB Perales Airport scenery from Wingsim through the MSFS Marketplace, when I was about to use it I noticed in the world map that the runways display two overlapping dots at each side, one displays the previous runway numeration (13 Runway / 31 Runway) and the other set of dots displays the correct current numeration (14/32) this causes the procedures to display without the runway they’re supposed to be for (only displays “RNAV, RNAV-X, RNAV-Y, VORDME”, but not the runway). Is there anyway to fix the duplicates so that it shows the correct numbers?
I am using the latest version of Navigraph hub.

Thank you

the one million dollar question is now, which runways are from whom?

When you click on the airport, you see the airport-info on the right side with the runways. These runways are from the 3rd party scenery … When you see 13/31 (which I assume) then you know you have bought an outdated scenery and you should report this to Wingsim to fix this. We can’t (and we may not) fix this …

I have checked our data and we have 14/32, so the correct one therefore I guess, the Wingsim scenery is old and outdated and needs an update.


Thanks Richard, I’ll reach out to wingsim!

Sorry, that we can´t offer any workaround to this - but this is a general issue in MSFS from day one on. When the runway-idents are outdated (with or without 3rd party sceneries) you can´t really change the idents without re-creating the runways (and of course it´s also not allowed due the copyright protection).

It should be an easy fix for WingSim - the only question is, how long do MS needs to deploy it on Marketplace then …


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I absolutely appreciate your prompt response, at least you were able to hint me to the cause and I already reported the issue to Wingsim. At least the airport and database is usable and works, it’s just annoying to have it display like that.

Thanks again!

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