On active sky the rwys for egcc are showing 24l 24 r 06l 06 r which is wrong they are 23l 23r 05l 05r
due the lack of information, which sim you´re using … AS reads normally the scenery-files from the sim and FSX, P3D has an old airport-layout with the outdated runways. Possible I miss something in your report, but that´s what I guess you mean.
i am using p3d v4.5 and the scenry is from uk2000 which has the correct rwys everything is updated in my sim
… and that´s what we have in the AS dataset:
MANCHESTER EGCC05L10000052 53.347556 -2.287764109.5005200257
MANCHESTER EGCC05R10007052 53.331972 -2.310661111.5505200257
MANCHESTER EGCC23L10007232 53.348153 -2.277208000.0000000257
MANCHESTER EGCC23R10000232 53.361319 -2.259281109.5023200257
You see, the runways are correct so far sorry. Possible that your AS isn´t updated?
i updated active sky its the latest update and i have the latest navgraph as well
So how do i fix this
I don’t know, when all is uptodate and you confirm that, then you have (as I have posted) the latest and correct runways for EGCC.
Possible any other issue in AS? As you see, the data are correct.
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