RNAV 10 for TNCM missing

The RNAV data for TNCM RNAV10 for the PMDG B777-300ER missing.



Have you updated your Navigation Data in the Navigraph Hub?

Please post screenshots of the following using Guide to posting Screenshots


Yes I have. Yhe rnav shown in the data but the rw10 fails to show up in the legs.

This is normal. Look at the chart-- the runway threshold is not part of the procedure. The missed approach starts at MAPON, either you have the runway in sight and continue manually or you go missed direct to ONBED.



Thanks for the help. I see your point.

It does seem to be differently displayed for the PMDG 777 to say the PMDG 737-800.
Given the same data, I think this is a PMDG display difference.




Could be a limitation of the old database format used by the 737 (or a bug in PMDG’s code that unconditionally adds the runway threshold as a waypoint), but it’s technically incorrect as far as this specific RNAV approach goes.



That was a limitation of the old format, it always needed a RWY for an APCH.

Hi @dbrashears,
That we can close this topic back to your initial question, to avoid additional confusion:

When you look on the charts, you see small arrow (normally, when there enough space there are more small arrows) after MAPON.

These arrows mean that the following segment needs to fly visual. Visual segments can’t be coded in the data for the FMC and therefore you see immediately the missed approach point in the T7.

After MAPON, you must fly the final approach manually.

Hope that helps

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