With the new capability of showing VATSIM and IVAO traffic in the Navigraph app, many FlyRealTraffic users have asked for showing RealTraffic data as an additional data source. This would allow display of real world air traffic from www.flyrealtraffic.com in the Navigraph app.
Navigraph support have indicated they would consider this if a sufficient number of votes are received. So please go ahead and click the “Vote” button above if you would like to see this in the future!
Don’t forget to vote for this at the top of this thread. Navigraph haven’t yet agreed to implement this and need to see a large number of votes for this to make a case.
Technically, any service that provides real time air traffic data would work. But FlyRealTraffic.com is the only service providing real-time and historical air traffic in a form that can be used for injection into your flight simulators. It’s of course ideal if the traffic in your sim matches that in Navigraph. In addition to that, flyrealtraffic.com’s coverage is generally more complete than flightaware’s (or flightradar24’s for that matter).