Question About Exporting Flight Plans and Layers

Hello Chris! Welcome to the forum! and thanks for the feedback!

That’s odd, it is not supposed to cut the text like that. Which scale do you see in the settings?

I’m sorry that this does not make sense to you, I was not sure how to describe the fact that since AAU1 (Aircraft & Avionics Update 1), many if not all of the default instruments have been replaced with versions upgraded by Working Title, such as the G1000 NXi and the G3000 suite.

As part of this transition, the instruments no longer respond to changes in the simulator flightplan once the flight has been loaded, meaning that exporting a flight to the simulator using the mentioned export option will only affect the ATC.

We have plans to attempt to integrate directly with these avionics in order to make them pick up the updated flightplan, but this has not been done yet!

In the future, please stick to one question per topic if possible! In this case, I can refer you to this topic which contains a feature request along with the technical reasons why this is not possible right now:

Kind Regards,