I have a problem with flying south from NZAA Auckland New Zealand, over latitude S38.
see simbrief flight below
I first encounter the problem while flying the PMDG 737-800, having imported the flight from simbrief.
the plane would be on the KAPAI to LAKAR leg of the flight, just as it approached latitude S38 the sim would freeze and i would have to end task MSFS, to shutdown MSFS.
I then restated in the 737-800 from NZAA and completely entered a flight plan in manually, one that took me done the middle of the country. As i approached latitude S38 the sim once again froze.
I then changed planes to the (milviz 310r), loaded in the same flight plan as the Boeing, and just before the latitude S38, (70.3 nm from LAKAR) the sim froze again.
I then changed to a 3rd plane (ATR72-600), for which I Manually inputted the course - no problems. I then restarted the flight, and this time importing the flight plan from simbrief. - no problem
in conclusion
I choses the ATR because it can import a flight plan from simbrief, but does not get any data from Navigraph hub.
I choses the 310R because i have the TDS GTNXi pro installed and it does get updated by Navigraph hub. (i don’t know if i can and have not tried to import a simbrief plan directly)
The Boeing as you know does both.
I hope this helps in finding out what the problem is.
one additional question:
Have you tried the same flight with any stock aircrafts and the stock navdata (de-install our data)? The reason why I ask is, because this looks more a in-game issue and to verify, it would be good to know if (or if not) this happens there too.
Also, do you have installed any 3rd party sceneries? If yes, have you tried the flight with an empty community folder too (only our navdata installed only)?
Sorry to ask the additional questions but I’m wondering how you identified the issue on our side.
Thank you
PS: the ATR uses also our data, as the PMDG or the TDS - what I don’t read here, with the ATR you can fly the whole flight plan over S38 without freezing? Is this correct?
Hi after spending much of yesterday removing items from the sim, then doing a test flight, (rinse and repeat), i finally tracked it down to corrupt New Zealand world update. after deleting it, and then re installing everything else, i was able to do the full flight. I then added back in the NZ world update, and i was able to complete a second flight.
Thanks for the ideas.
Thank you very much for your effort and your feedback. Its very time consuming to identify such issue, I know that very well, therefore great job even when it was hard to find the culprit.