Preflight Dispatch Planning for KSNA

Hi @SimBrief

Something I just noticed for SNA flights, the system is planning Flaps 25 takeoff for the 737.

Issue #1:
For SNA runway 20R departures: because of the mandatory cutback noise abatement procedure off of runway 20R (this is not airline specific… all aircraft must do this procedure regardless of airline)… the flaps allowed to be used are limited because of performance required for the cutback noise abatement procedure, provided no engine failure is experienced from V1 to minimum cleanup altitude/flap retraction altitude (if an engine failure were to actually occur, of course, the noise abatement cutback procedure would be abandoned by the crew).

The 737-800 and B737-8MAX are only rated for FLAPS 15 and MAX thrust takeoffs out of SNA.
The 737-700 is rated for only FLAPS 5 and FLAPS 10 and MAX thrust takeoffs out of SNA.

Would this be something you would be able to fix on your end and limit the Takeoff Flaps setting specifically for KSNA preflight planning takeoffs on the dispatch release (OFP)?

Issue #2:
As well, I noticed that even if its a short runway and heavy load, Simbrief always plans a Flaps 30 landing on the Dispatch Release. Is there a way for you to make it so if the runway is short (such as SNA, BUR, MDW, DCA, SBA, etc…) that is plans a Flaps 40 landing on the B737?

The gist of it is, if the destination’s planned runway is resulting in an F limit code (Field Length) then the maximum available flaps should be planned, on the dispatch release, for the landing (Flaps 40, in the case of the B737).

here is an example of what I mean. For this to be more correct and safer flight planning, SimBrief should be planning the preflight takeoff flap setting as Flaps 15 (since it is a 737-800 and an SNA runway 20R takeoff)

As well, this is a fully loaded 737 so it should be planning Flaps 40 for preflight planning landing at MDW since all runways at MDW are short (less than 7500ft long).

Is there any chance this could get fixed?



We 100% need this fixed! It has been an ongoing problem for realistic flight planning and I fly into places like MDW and SNA quite frequently. Please fix this!


Yeah i thought the Flaps 25 was a bit strange. Getting this fixed would be great

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It would be great if this could be implemented

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These sound like air carrier limitations, not
driven by an Airplane Flight Manual. I’ve ran KSNA takeoff performance for the -800 using manufacturer performance tools and the current obstacle data set so the performance is possible. When takeoff length is critical (I.e. short) you increase flaps setting, but that bites you in second segment climb so it becomes a trade off. But that problem has been around since the 707.

When your engine fails, all the noise abatement requirements go out the window.

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Would be great to see this fixed!

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Would be great to see these points implemented for KSNA departures for realism.

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Would be great to see this fixed for added realism

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The cutback procedure is not airline specific. All Boeing 737’s are required to comply. So this applies to all airlines. As well, Flaps 15 is a great compromise between short runway limited and climb limited with the cutback procedure, so it works out well. This is why Boeing recommends Flaps 15 for B737-800 KSNA runway 20R takeoffs, specifically. For the B737-700 however, Boeing recommends Flaps 5 or Flaps 10 only for runway 20R at KSNA, depending on weight.

I would love for this to be fixed as well!

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Hi @SimBrief hope your day is going well. I was just curious if we could get an update regarding the 2 issues mentioned in the original post above. Thank you very much sir!

Hi, I have fixed the landing flap selection on short runways.

Custom takeoff flap limitations for specific airports is not possible for now. Maybe down the road, or maybe some day it will become possible to fine-tune the TLR parameters in the Flight Options directly.

Best regards,

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@Z0ch0ry No sorry but that is an incorrect statement you just made. We are talking about for the dispatch release. Currently @SimBrief has it set where the dispatch release TLR parameters are ONLY automatically applied on the backend. We cant change the planned flaps on the dispatch release even if we wanted to…

IRL of course we can. But not with simbrief sadly.

Ah I thought you were referring to the takeoff perf calculator. Sorry about that