Suggested incorrect arrival based on expected runway

This morning I created an FP from KLAS to KSLC. I was given a route with the DELTA6 arrival and an expected landing runway of 34L. The problem is that the DELTA6 is used for the 16’s at SLC and not the 34’s. The airport was indeed using the 34’s in real life and the winds did favor it. Can someone provide some insight on how simbrief may have come to the conclusion of using the DELTA6 versus the QWENN arrival? Thanks in advance!

Hi, thanks for the report.

SimBrief relies on the AIRAC data to determine which runways a STAR is valid for. Unfortunately this isn’t always 100% accurate for some reason, either due to a coding error from our provider, or perhaps they have some other reason for coding it this way.

In this case, the DELTA6 is coded in the AIRAC as being valid for all runways, despite the actual chart showing otherwise.

For the same reason, I suspect your FMS will also let you select DELTA6, even if you select one of the 34s.

Best regards,

Yes, it did indeed let me select 34L! Is this something that will be fixed or do I need to file an official bug report? I’m beta testing an upcoming ATC program and it caused some issues. Thank you again.