Possible freeze with new Airacs and PMDG 737 on MSFS


I don’t know if it’s Navigraph related, but yesterday I updated the airacs to the latest release for the PMDG and I had a strange freeze during approach which I’ve never experienced.

Basically MSFS froze while flying the WAREN7A arrival to rwy 27 in YMML: everything was perfectly smooth before and the STAR was correctly depicted on the ND.

Don’t know if it’s strictly related to airacs, but given I’ve never had this kind of freezes before and it happened in the very first flight after updating airacs, I thought I could write here to see if it happened to somebody else.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Giorgio,

I have just flown YMLT-YMML with a WAREN7A arrival to ILS RWY 27 YMML in PMDG 737-800 AIRAC 2210 without error.

My experience is freezes/CTD etc are rarely caused by navigational data issues. Maybe try again and see if it repeats. Make sure you have the latest PMDG updates from yesterday.


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thanks for your test. I suspected the Airacs weren’t a problem, but given I’ve never had this issue before and coincidentally it was after updating the Airacs, it was Worth giving a try.

Will try to reproduce my flight again with the same route and see what happens.

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