bonjour je vol sur Boeing 737 pmdg ngux cependant problème je pars de Zurich pour Genève mais sur le fmc dans départ arriver aéroport de Genève n existe pas et il y a beaucoup de point manquant Navi graph a un gros problème pouvez m aider a trouver la solution
in english please, we don’t understand your additional info to this topic!
Thank you
hello on my Fmc pmdg 737 ngux the Geneva airport is nonexistent, I can not land in Geneva because there is no waypoint, there are also on several airports there are many waypoints can help me
Please see FAQ - PMDG B777/747/737NGXu FMC Runways Not Available.
Please let us know how you get on.
I have already looked at its not working
there are a lot of non-existent points
Please provide screenshots showing what you are trying, and what appears to be missing using Guide to posting Screenshots.
Hi again,
this is exactly the error, which will be solved by the posting from Ian:
Please follow these steps and when this doesn’t help please try it with the default data, which will provide with the PMDG setup.
But that link is the solution 100% … thats not a navdata issue.
hello I wanted to make a flight with the 737 ngux from Geneva to Lyon, the problem is that I can’t schedule the flight on the Fmc impossible to find airport departure Geneva and impossible to find airport Lyon saint Exuperi, please help-me found out where the problem comes from the flight plan is nonexistent
Hi again,
it´s exactly the solution, which Ian has posted. Follow exactly these steps and it will work - the reason is not a navdata issue, but more a PMDG issue in their internal processes. We have no influence on it, we can only recommend to do the following steps. When all doesn´t help - try to use the default data which are included in the setup.
We can´t do more, than do recommend these steps, sorry but that´s not a navdata issue.
In addition to Richard, if you try these and still no success, please uninstall and reinstall PMDG.
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