PMDG B748 EFB Runways

This happens about once a month after I update the Navigraph files. When I look in the EFB for runway data and discover the runway numbers have reverted back to a previous list. I usually discover it iis because the update to the text files have been overwritten during an update and there doesn’t seem to be anything that will stop the update from doing this. What can I do to fix this.

Sorry, but I don´t understand your report …

I´m not sure from which sim you are speaking here because you have posted in the “General MSFS Data,” but from what I know, there is no 747 from PMDG available for MSFS - or?

Can you please provide more details, including a few screenshots, so we can better understand your report? What “previous list” do you mean? What “text file`” do you mean?

Thank you very much,

Sorry I thought I was posting for FSX. I have the FSX version by PMDG and have been using that version for a couple of years. Would you please move my post over to the FSX section?

Eric Parker