PMDG a/c will not update

I am unable to update my PMDG aircraft, 700 800 using hub. All other updates work fine. I click on the buttons and nothing happens only for those aircraft. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Hub several times. This is after a reinstall of MSFS and PMDG on
a different drive.



Check you are using the scroll bars in Navigraph Hub to see the PMDG entries as per AIRAC not updating in PMDG 737 database MSFS - #2 by Ian


Yes but when pressed they do nothing. Also the x to exit the app does not work

A post was merged into an existing topic: Problems instaling latest AIRAC on PMDG 737-800

I reinstalled MSFS on a different drive along with the PMDG 7 & 800. Also I just finished the 2024 Alpha test and uninstalled that.

I am trying to keep the two threads regarding Hub separate as the circumstances are not the same.

We shall investigate.


I believe i have found a solution for this.

After another clean install of both the 737 and the Hub i had no luck. I then ran the programme as an administrator and it worked first time.

Hope that helps


Thanks for trying! Did not work for me.


The problem may be it is not correctly setup on my system to find the PMDG data location. I just do not know how to fit that.


… but John, when you install the PMDG from their setup, the files will be installed everywhere in the world in the same folder/folder structure, so I´m curious why you think that.


After I open the Hub, it does show the two PMDG aircraft. I click on them and they don;t change color or update. All the other buttons work fine. I am not sure what else it could be but failure to find the path. Also, closing the Hub requires task manager instead for the normal closing procedure. Maybe that is a clue.
I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the hub with and without restarting windows 11. I am out of ideas.

My Hub show the PMDG as update (green). Everything else is blue for install after a reinstall of Hub. Firewall is open. Processes shows 4 entities named Navigator Hub. They each show memory usage ranging 250 mbs to 6 from with no disk or network activity except sporadic 0.1 mbs network . 25% CPU usage.

Hope this helps.


It was likely to be a bad previous PMDG uninstall as the root of the problem. Resolved at this time.