PMDG 737-800 airac issues

Cant find a thread about this, although seem to recollect something ive seen in last few days. in another forum. Ive just tried to update the 737 airac but for some reason the navigation hub isnt detecting the 737-800 (recently reinstalled it but was ok with last airac its just this week it seems to have gone missing out of Navigraph hub? Are there any solutions to this please?? (Ive tried reinstalling navigraph hub but this hasnt solved issues)


No the package is still online, as every cycle. When you open the Hub and you scroll down in the package/addon list (below the navigraph packages/panels) you don’t see the PMDG package?


No , no not listed as either installed or outside sim (cant remember which tab it is supposed to appear although I know its not listed on either)

Can you post a screenshot of your full Hub window please? Only the “inside” tab is useful here.

Thank you

… and when you scroll down in the list (you see the scroll bar on the right). Whats below the in-game panel entry?


Sorry , “problem” solved!

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