"Plan Stepclimbs" also plans Descent-Steps

When I use that Function SimBrief does plan the Steps very well, but also tends to insert a Descent / lower FL somewhere later in the Route.

It’s a bit tedious because I have to generate/calculate the FlightPlan to see the Steps and then Edit the Plan with Step-Climbs disabled to insert them manually (minus this odd descent Point).

Can that be fixed or if indented: can there be an Option to only plan Climb-Steps?


For what it’s worth, the stepdown on your latest flight (KDFW-EDDF) is required due to airway restrictions after SPI on T180. This is not a bug, nor is it unrealistic.

The “Plan Stepclimbs” is a little bit misnamed, what it really should be called is “Plan Altitude Changes” since it enables both Stepclimbs and altitude changes due to airway/airspace restrictions.

In the future we may split this into 2 separate options, but no ETA on when that might be. For now the only workaround is to do what you have been doing and manually enter the step climbs into your route, luckily this is easier now using the “Calculate and Compare” button instead of having to generate an entire flight plan:


Best regards,

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As a heads up to the given answer, it’s the same that happens if you fly to/from the Azores (in reality). Since all airways there are restricted to a maximum altitude/FL of FL285, you must descend to FL270/280 before entering the airspace (not the oceanic) or keep that altitude until you leave that airspace. The workaround that most times is done is to plan the routes from WPT1 DCT WPT2 DCT WPT3 instead of using the airways. This way you can fly as high as you want/need.

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