Pinned Charts are not persistent

I noticed that when I leave Navigraph Charts (Windows desktop) and then return later, none of the charts I had previously pinned are there All preferred charts need to be re-pinned again. This happened very recently in the last week or so.
Could you check please? I like my charts to remain pinned for use later.
This exact same issue was reported earlier (Feb 2021) and resolved, but seems to have come back again, at least for me. My Navigraph version is 7.5.0.,

Many thanks



Charts are pinned for flights between city pairs. Make sure you loading the flight for which the Charts have been pinned.


Yes. If I close Navigraph and reopen, the flight last loaded auto loads, but the pinned charts are gone - meaning that the pinned chart strip at the bottom of the page is no longer that and charts have to be pinned all over again. Same issue if different flights are then loaded from the flights menu. Seems the pinned charts are not saved with the flights anymore. It is a pain to pin charts all over again.

Appreciate your looking into this issue.

I havent heard anything further on this issue.

I noticed that when I load previous flights the pinned charts are there. Just the newer flights have the issue of missing pinned charts when reloaded. If that helps.

I can’t reproduce it. I just created a plan YPPH-YMML, with SID, STAR and APPR pinned. Opened a different plan without pinned charts. Then went back to YPPH-YMML and pinned charts were there.

We shall address this in the next major Charts version in development.


Hi Ian,
It is working for newly created flights today, I dont know what caused this issue to resolve, but it is what it is. I will certainly let you know if this issue occurs again.
Thanks for looking into it.

You are welcome.

Happy flying.
