PHNL missing STARs

I’d like to report that the INOYI1 arrival and the KLANI3 arrival are missing from the database for Honolulu Airport (PHNL).

Hi Jose,
both procedures are included in our data and without any specific information about the sim and addon you’re using, we can’t check it deeper.

Again, the procedures are (or better should be) include.


Sorry for not including that information.
I am using the latest AIRAC cycle downloaded through Navigraph on MSFS using the default MSFS 787-10.

Hi Jose,
thank you very much for the details - I can confirm it but this is a very tricky issue which needs time to solve it. As I wrote before, we still have these procedures in the database but both procedures are for specific runways and not available for all runways.

ie. KLANU3 is for 04L/R, 08L/R and 26L/R only

… but there are also a 04W water runway. We remove the W as designator and I assume (no I´m pretty sure) that this is exactly the issue here because the sim doesn´t know anything about a runway 04 and therefore the STAR(s) will be disabled and you see “only” all STARs which are designed for ALL runways.

I will start looking deeper into it and will analyze the very seldom issue but I can confirm, it´s an issue. Please be a little bit patient, I also assume that this is can´t be solved as a fast fix.

Anyway, thank you very much for this hint - I will let this topic open till it´s fixed and till I have informed you here, that this is fixed. Hope that´s ok for you …

Thanks and have a nice day,

Thanks so much! I appreciate your response and your tireless efforts to help with flight sim navigation data.

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Hi Jose,
I have fixed the issue now … here from the WorldMap (it´s the same as in the 787):

You see, INOYI1 and KLANI3 are now available and select able.

Please open the Navigraph Hub and update your AIRAC cycle to revision 5 … after that, try it again please. It should work now … any feedback welcome :wink:

Thanks again for the hint and sorry for the delay of this fix …

Have a nice day,

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