Outdated waypoints in ZBPE FIR


There are some waypoints no longer avail in Chinese AIP, but still in FSLabs DB:
ZBHH: HH201 HH202 HH205
ZBYN: YN104 YN106 YN111
ZBTJ: TJ553 TJ554 TJ558 TJ560
ZBAA: AA021 AA023

Any plan for clean them up? Thanks.

No sorry, we don’t know when these waypoints will be removed.


They have a RECD_TYPE of ‘T’, which indicates ‘Tailored Data’.
Also, they are not in Jeppsesn Standard Data, that’s why I think I should report here.

Anyway, neither they will affect flight planning, nor linking to any procedures, keep them in the DB seems fine.

Thank you very much.

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