Old iPad useless?

My iPad (which hadn’t updated for awhile) recently

updated to the latest compatible version of the Charts app ( v7.0.9 Build 484) but no world map is shown when the app opens. It is just a dark blue page. I can look up airports and find charts for them but there is no map shown at all? Not sure what to do, it had made my iPad (which used to work w charts) totally useless? Any thoughts? iPad is running iOS 10.3.4 and cannot be updated further.

Hello! Welcome to our forum!

The servers that powered this version of Navigraph Charts are no longer running. The iPad in question is now considered obsolete by Apple themselves, see this page: Obtaining service for your Apple product after an expired warranty - Apple Support

Unfortunately, we cannot support this old version or hardware anymore as it would prevent us from developing new features. Apologies for the inconvenience, I hope you find a good alternative! If you believe that this limits your ability to use our product and want a refund, please contact our account support at account@navigraph.com - we are usually very forthcoming in cases like this!

Kind Regards,