Often lag spikes during approach

I recently got simlink for the charts application, throughout the whole flight theres subtle lag spikes that dont affect my flight too much, but during approach, it gets really bad (FYI i use xplane 12.) I checked through the plugin admin and saw that simlink was randomly spiking in usage. Could it be zink? Could it be other plugins? I dont think so personally, but theres a chance. Still though, this is weird, and uplayable. Does anyone know what the issue might be?


Please send us Simlink logs located at %appdata%/Navigraph/Simlink/logs.

Also, reinstall the Simlink Plugins and recheck.
If the issue persists, please uninstall the Simlink Plugins and check in X-Plane to confirm if it is caused by Simlink or other third-party plugins.

Best Regards,
Vishal Ahir