NZQN data needs (manual?) updating

IIRC this is tailored data provided to Navigraph by a third party?

For example:

  • IPNOR SIDs have been updated (4 → 5)
  • ANPOR 4B → 5B
  • REDOL 2B → 3B

Also, BRG1 and FKN8 seem to have the same number but are not linked to the corresponding chart in NG Charts. Similarly, RNAV/RNP F, G and H are charted but the procedures do not link to the corresponding chart automatically.

There may be other changes I am not aware of due to my being unfamiliar with the airfield.



@stewamar you’re the one providing the navdata, I think?



G’day Tim, you are correct! Thanks for the heads up.

Regards Martin YBLT

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