Simbrief SID cannot be found in Navigraph charts

This is the first time I’m experiencing this issue. I generated a flight plan via Simbrief NZQN - YMML. Her is it:

Upon importing the plan in Charts I see no errors, but while trying to find the SID Simbrief selected IPNO3B I noticed its not there. Instead I found IPNO4B looks to be the one.

I tried changing the SID to IPNO4B in Simbrief but I got an error.

I’m with Ultimate subscription and latest AIRAC. To me it looks like Charts has the latest SID but for some reason its not in Simbried DB.

Any suggestions?


Have you updated the simbrief AIRAC cycle?

Yes, Airac cycle is 2403 in Simbrief.

The screenshot shows cycle 2403 is in use.

This might also be a question @NAVData can help with?



That was answered 5 hrs ago…

Hi guys,
as @Rodeo314 suggested, I can answer this question :slight_smile:

The NZQN data are tailored/handmade data, build from @stewamar … this handmade data will not be updated all 28 days that means. As you see on the charts, these SID (or better the transitions) are AR (authorization required) procedures and therefore not included in the default/standard database.

Martin was (and is still) so friendly and created such procedure by hand and we import it as tailored records in our systems. So, SimBrief, our charts use also the same data source as we use for all addons/MSFS data.

The data:

The charts:

In this case, NZQN hasn´t been updated yet therefore you see the IPNO3B departure instead the IPNO4B. The charts are up2date because the charts are completely independent to the data.


The result is, the current not in sync issue between data (SimBrief) and charts. Possible Martin has time to update the NZQN, then we will import it in our data and the sync should be back. But again, tailored procedures in our database are handmade and the effort to handle all fields, data, types correctly is very time-consuming.

Hope it´s clear now … in the meantime (till the data are updated), please re-select the “old” procedure ident even when the charts has the follow up procedure ident.


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Thanks a lot for the explaining in detail. It’s all clear now.


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No probs Sunny, thank you … I will contact Martin (@stewamar) and will forward him this issue. Possible he finds time to change the coding for one of the next cycles :wink:

Thank you again and enjoy your sunday,

No worries guys, I will fix the issue ASAP. Thanks for highlighting the update. Unfortunately NZ AIP does not have a summary change log available in the public domain so Each chart needs to be checked manually for any changes. It’s good we all work together on this.
Thanks and regards, Martin YBLT

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Update resent so hopefully we can get the data right. Thank you to all for your help.

Regards, Martin YBLT


Thats teamwork, and thats what I like on this community at Navigraph. Bravo @stewamar Martin, excellent stuff and thanks for the insides.

I have received it and I will implement it … It will be active with 2404 in all apps. Possible in some datasets earlier, when I must built a new revision somewhere.

Thanks again Martin, much appreciated …

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Seriously guys, I am simply amazed how this thread was handled. It’s a great example of the amazing Navigraph team and community. Job well done and thanks a lot!


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Thank you very, very much Sunny for this respectful & friendly feedback. Indeed, that’s really a great example of “user” helps “user” … in this case, we are only the “agent” but it´s really wonderful to see how the community works.

You can expect the change from Martin with the next upcoming cycle 2404 in all our apps (Charts, SimBrief and navigation data).

Have a nice & successful start in the week,

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Thank you Richard for a fast turn around! Brilliant work as always.

Regards, Martin

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