No support to upgrade subscription

Last year, I tried to upgrade my subscription from FMS Data to Ultimate.
It was impossible to get a dialog to achhieve ths and after many tries, I finnaly gave up.
This year I decided to try again. It is a little better, as I can start a dialog:
Want to upgrade your account yes
Upgrade to Ultimate yearly
Use older way of payment yes
Then, nothing happens. Stays quite indefinitely. Subscription not upgraded.
Is somebody going to help this time?



I am sorry you are having a problem upgrading. Does switching your default browser say to Chrome help? Do you have access to another computer , iPad etc on which you could make the upgrade?


Thanks for answering.

I already use Chrome.

I tried on my tablet.

On the last step of dialog I get “Your current subscription has some days left before it expires. The discounted price will be 66.51 eur.

This is correct BUT the button CONFIRM is grey and I cannot push it.

So basically the same failing behavior than on my PC.


Hello Jan

I was able to go one step further by creating a new way of payment (other credit card).

This time I got the Confirm in green and pushable (which I did). But account still shows FMS yearly.




Last update

I saw in payment history, that the upgrade amount has been taken from my newer credit card.

Account status still says “FMS yearly”.

Navigraph charts application says that I am in demo mode.




We’re investigating what might have gone wrong. I can confirm you have paid but not did yet get your upgrade registered. Please standby.


Hello Stephe,

Checking my account from time to time, I now see my Ultimate subscription in my account space. Thanks for helping.

I shall soon try to load maps. I shall keep you inform if it works…



2 posts were split to a new topic: Subscription Problem

There is a misunderstanding here.

My problem has recently been solved and I now use Navigraph charts nicely.

I do not know this “Banana Clip Studio” who uses my thread to post about similar problem.

Maybe you can contact him directly.




Thank you for the update. Glad your issue is resolved.

I have moved other user’s posts to a new thread.


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