No Navigraph Panel in MFS2020 VR

Hi, i am trying to use my navdata in mfs panel in VR. Unfortunately, my Navdatacenter always loads the 8.0 version which does not support VR. How do I get back the old version of Navdatacenter? Before that everything worked very well in VR. VR is no longer supported since version 8.0, will this change?


How do you mean VR is not supported?


When I install the ingame panel for Navigraph Charts v8.0 for MFS2020 I have no display in VR (virtual reality). Only works in desktop mode on the monitor. The old version of the ingame panel still worked in VR mode. My question was, how can I download the old version?


The old version is discontinued so it cannot be downloaded. We can’t reproduce your issue, the old panel and the new one should work the same in this regard. We’ve successfully run it in VR here and we’ve had users in the beta testing phase of the panel who have successfully run it VR, like here.

Did you restart you simulator after you installed v 8.0? Could you please try again? Is the navigraph icon not shown in your in-game toolbar? Could you somehow provide a screenshot of how it looks.



The Message i get:

Unsupported screen size
This app is currently only supported on tablet and desktop devices.
Mobile phone support will be added in later lelease.

This happens every time i switch from desktop mode to vr mode.

Please drag the edge/corner of the window to make it a little bit bigger.



Thx, thats resolve my problem. But is possible to save my window size? Every time i open the Navigraph window i must manuely make the window bigger.

My Problem is resolved. I have my MFS Desktop on window mode in a smaler resolution. I switched to fullscreen and full resolution and everything works fine