New guy here with a problem

First let me preface I am not a pilot, just a flight sim buff. I saw several posts about navigraph and how it was so much better than the MSFS20 in game flightplanner so I purchased a subscription.

Here is my issue…when I create a flight plan in Navi and import it into MSFS20, the plan that loads is not the same. It does not show my departure runway, SID, STAR or destination runway in the MSFS20 planner. It does show departure and arrival airports however.

It was getting late last night so I did not have the opportunity to check the actual FLP in the Garmin 1000/3000 aircraft to see if it does in fact load properly in the Garmin systems.

Am I doing something wrong or does the Sim itself not read it properly but the Garmin still has the correct info and I can still fly the plan as followed?

Hello Bill! Welcome to the new forum!

Have you made sure to select a departure runway and SID before exporting your flight plan? They should be visible in the route, just as in the example shown below.


If your route does not contain the mentioned procedures, please make sure that you add them to the route. This can be done by first selecting a procedure from the list and then pressing “Add to route” in the bottom right corner of the app. View the picture below for a reference.

So far, only departure runways, SIDS, and STARS can be imported into MSFS. This is a limitation in the simulator itself and not in the Navigraph Charts application.

If you find that it still does not work despite doing all of the above, please upload the exported .pln file here and I’ll help you with the troubleshooting!


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Thanks Malte…I will give that a try.

Concerning the approach in MSFS…from what I understand from your explanation from above it does NOT get loaded from Navi correct? If so how does the sim know what approach we are taking? Do we just select it from the sim or will that mess up the whole flight plan we just loaded from Navi?

You are indeed correct. It does not get loaded into the simulator, and if you try to select it manually MSFS will recalculate the whole route using its own planner.

This would defeat the purpose of exporting from Navigraph Charts, which is why we recommend programming the approach manually inside the simulator.

Here’s a video outlining the process of exporting light plans from Navigraph to MSFS: How to Export Flight Plans from Navigraph Charts to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020


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Ok…good to know. Programming the approach manually inside the simulator is a whole other beast for me so I may have to read the G1000/3000 manual to learn how to do this properly.

Thanks for your help!

That sounds like an excellent idea! One example for the G3000 can be found in the video linked above, but reading the documentation surely won’t hurt!

Happy to help,

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Did a quick flight last night, Boston to Nantucket following your example…all loaded properly except the arrival runway. Went into the proceedures and changed the runway and the transition and it worked smoothly…except that ATC did not recognize me arriving on that runway and assigned me a “default” which I ignored and flew the plan from Navi. I assume ATC not recognizing my runway is normal since it was programed directly into the G1000? I didnt want to tell ATC as I got closer to assign a new runway since I assumed it may botch up the plan I was flying…correct?

Great to hear that it worked out for you!

In real life, one can plan on a specific arrival but the weather at the airport will always be the deciding factor in the end. The ATC is supposed to inform you about which arrival to expect, and it’s then up to you to enter the correct arrival in your GPS or other equipment.

To my knowledge, telling the MSFS ATC to assign you another runway won’t change your flight plan. But as I mentioned, if the ATC assigns another arrival for you then you can either accept the change and reprogram the GPS, tell the ATC to give you another arrival, or simply turn the ATC off.


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:+1: Thanks for the input

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