If I set up a flight plan in Navigraph Charts (including an Approach) and export it, then import it into MSFS 2020, the GNS 530 in the Cessna 172 does not include the approach? The Approach that was created in Navigraph Charts also does not show up in the World Map diagram of the flight. Only the departure and arrival airports show up? I am new to Navigraph. Am I not doing something correctly? Thanks for any help in advance. Gary
Hello! Welcome to our forum!
How are you exporting the flight? Please provide the complete flightplan, and if you exported it to a PLN file please provide that one too.
Kind Regards,
Thank you for responding to my question/concern. I am truly enjoying your product but wish I could get the Approach to load into the sim properly. Just a bit of background first.
I am using MSFS 2020 and am primarily only flying a Cessna 172. I have most of the Logitech instruments and also have the FlightSimBuilder GNS 530. All of these work great. The MSFS 2020 works very well so I have no hardware or computer issues. As stated in the forum, I load a flight plan into Navigraph Charts but am unable to get the Approach to load into the Sim. Loading it manually through the Sim seems to disrupt the Navigraph flight plan. I am hoping that the flight plan created in Navigraph Charts (including the Approach) would load into the Sim so that I can see it through the GNS 530.
I have attached the flight plan I created in Navigraph Charts as an attachment. My procedure for creating the plan in Navigraph follows:
Load the Departure Airport and the Runway
Load the Arrival Airport and Runway
Load the Approach for the Arrival Airport (in the attached plan this was RNAV Y RWY 26 – ZOOMR)
Select Options to include VFR (Flight Mode) and STD (Chart Mode) and Cruising Altitude 3000
Export the file Using the Link “FS 2020”. The file is exported to a self created file on my desktop called “Navi Flight Plans”. The export creates the file KMWHKGEG.pin on my desktop (attached).
In MSFS 2020 I import the file at the World Map using the links: More – Load/Save – Load from this PC.
After starting the sim and at the runway for takeoff, the Approach I selected in Navigraph is never there. In your email below, you mention a PLN file. The export creates a PIN file for me; not a PLN file. Could this be the problem?
Thanks again for any information you may provide. I am new to Navigraph, but my early impressions of your software is that it is really great!
I have one other question while I have your attention. My Navigraph Hub software doesn’t seem to work properly. Every time I restart my computer and open the Navigraph Hub it requires me to sign in. When I sign in, I get a purple screen with no information on it. I have found that the only way to correct this is to do a Control/Alt/Delete and close the program, then restart it. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Navigraph Hub program but this has not helped.
Thanks again,
Gary Winters
KMWHKGEG.pln (1.71 KB)