New airac aerosoft crj for msfs 2020


Having problems updating aerosoft crj for msfs 2020 airac. It does not detect my crj automatic like my previous p3d addons.
Also tried manuel install with no luck. Still on the old airac that came with the addon. Crj bought at aerosoft store.
Any step by step guide what to do ?
regards Morten

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Hi Morten,


Please see Release notes - Supported MSFS Addons



Did all that and the crj shows gren 2104 rev, but in fmc in crj shows old airac

what sim version do you have

  1. from SimMarket
  2. Steam version



None of them. Bought it aerosoft shop. Morten

Msfs 2020 bought Microsoft

Hi Morton,
sorry, I have overseen an important information in your initial mail.

The FMS Data Manager are only for FS9, FSX, P3D and XP addons but NOT for MSFS addons. So, when you want to update your MSFS Aerosoft CRJ you must use our new client in the futuree - currently also in beta (v23) but this kind of client will be the “next generation” of the FMS Data Manager.

But, the new client isn´t still ready (it´s currently only for updating the MSFS core navdata), so not available for updating the MSFS Aerosoft CRJ (but as I wrote, in the near future).

As a workaround, till the new client supports this addon, we have extend the manual-setup file which supports the MSFS.

Please go to the webpage under your account (top/right corner) → select FMS Data → and press the “Windows” download button in the Aerosoft CRJ Professional line.

Unzip the file and run the setup. In the setup, select “Microsoft Flight Simulator” and let the installer do his job. After that start the sim and look into the FMC if it´s updated - it should.

Again, this is currently the only way for the MSFS Aerosoft CRJ to update the data, but we are working to add this in the new “Navdata Installer”, where you also update the MSFS core navdata.

Her also the Addon Release Notes with more or less the same what I have written - but it´s worth to look into it from time to time, at least when we add new addon formats.

Hope that helps,


That worked perfect. Thank you very much for help and very good service.

Regards Morten

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