Navigraph Traffic view COM1 COM2


Appreciate you guys in adding the new beta feature of viewing traffic via Navigraph Charts!
Would like to request to also see which COM1 COM2 radio freqs other pilots are tuned into when clicking on the traffic aircraft

(the data is already visible in but would also like to see it here rather than switching windows

  • click on an aircraft
  • see com1 com2 details

I use this in the case to see if some pilots are talking on 122.8 or ctaf freq prior to pushback/taxi out, some pilots confuse frequencies on the Vatsim network so I like setting up my COM1 - COM3 to monitor

feature request just like in

  • click on an aircraft
  • see com1 com2 details

also hoping to see traffic names/tags (ie ACA210) option to enable/disable in the UI like this:


Thank you for your suggestion on COM frequencies which we’ll consider. We’re also planning to show callsigns on the map.

Kind regards,
