Navigraph Panel after MSFS hotfix

MSFS won’t allow me to make or import an IFR flight plan unless Navigraph Data file is in community folder. Also, if I place Navigraph Panel in community folder I get a ctd. I know other sim users are experiencing the same issue. Is it right that in order for my MSFS flight planner to work I would have to subscribe to Navigraph? This only started after the MSFS hotfix


No, you don’t need a Navigraph subscription to run MSFS flight planner. :slightly_smiling_face:

I suggest reinstalling Navigraph Navdata Center as per instructions at Release notes - Navigraph Navdata Center

Use that to Remove and Install Navigraph Charts In-Game Panel.

Make sure you restart Windows after install.

If still an issue, please advise steps you are taking to “make or import an IFR flight plan”. Maybe upload the plan.


Thanks Ian. I certainly misunderstood my issue. I see now that placing and removing Navigraph panel/data needs to be done using the Navdata Center. From talk in the forum, I’m sure that’ll fix the problem.



Hi Wayne,

You are welcome. Let us know if still an issue.
