Navigraph Hub is absurdly buggy

I am a long time Navigraph customer and am a huge fan of your products and services. I appreciate what you do for the sim community and our hobby would be worse if you were not in business.

That being said, in the MSFS era the product that gives me the most consistent heartburn is the Navigraph Hub. It is absurd that it still is as buggy as it is given how central it is to your product line and how straightforward a task it is accomplishing.

Updating my navdata today took me the better part of a half hour and involved closing and reopening the app four times.

At least half the time when I click “UPDATE” the button flips to “INSTALL” instead of “REMOVE”. Then, a significant percentage of the time when I then click “INSTALL” it flips quickly to “REMOVE” but then back to “INSTALL” until I close the app, reopen it, and click install. Sometimes clicking “UPDATE” goes immediately into the same cycle where the button flashes to “REMOVE” but then immediately back to “UPDATE”.

Then there is the TFDi MD-11 navdata that still takes forever to download and install and sometimes freezes the app for me to force close.

I also still don’t understand why Fenix has to be on it’s own tab. Why do I, as the end user, care whether or not it’s installed externally to the simulator? As of today it’s the only one and I own most, if not all, of the major addons for MSFS 2020. It seems like a meaningless distinction and a UX pain point to have to remember to go over to its standalone tab to update it.

And, finally, how do we still not have an “Update All” button? Or an automatic update? I see value in letting people update individual add-ons if they want, but I would guess that a solid 75% of users just go in every month to fight with the app to update everything. I don’t understand why I would not want the option to update the navdata silently when the cycle changes over, I get no value out of updating each addon one by one.

I’m not interested in troubleshooting help, I’ve followed steps provided previously for some of these bugs – full clean uninstallation, reinstallation, etc. – and the app’s general level of bugginess has never meaningfully improved. I am just asking you to please put some of your development time into focusing on making this part of your product less painful.

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I have exactly the same issues as you mentioned here…word for word. Updating to 2502 today took me about 45min and multiple closing and signing out and in of the app. The worst offender always seems to be TFDI MD-11, followed by Fenix. No trouble updating AIRAC itself or PMDG. Totally agree there should be an Update All button or better still automatic update.

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Exactly the same issues here…

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Hi guys,
This is a short note about the TFDi MD-11 dataset and why the installation takes so long. The dataset contains over 95,000 files, most of them very small files. That’s a lot and not very good for all our systems but it was designed by TFDi in this way.

The package downloads fast, nearly everywhere (okay, depending on your internet connection). But then, the Hub decompresses the package in a temp folder—so it decompresses nearly 100,000 files and copies them to your system. After the decompression, these 100,000 files are copied into the correct folder structure.

You can try this procedure on your own. Copy and paste the folder tfdidesign-aircraft-md11\Data\Primary from your community folder somewhere else on your system. Measure the time; you will see that it takes quite a long time. This is, sadly, a TFDi design issue because no other dataset contains so many files.

According to the Fenix dataset, that must go fast because it´s only one file (and two other small JSON files). So, that is something else on your system. We may activate extended logging, but I´m not the person responsible for this on our team.


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