Navigraph Data Manager will not open with Win XP OS

Good Evening,

I was able to download the 2102 airac cycle and upload it last month through the Data Manager. I wanted to download airac 2103 today and the Data Manager would not open and gave me a string of text about KRNLL32.dll and not being able to load.

I uninstalled the Data Manager thinking maybe the latest update that was done could be the issue and a reinstall would fix it. Now I get the following when trying to install Data Manager.

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\navigraph fms data manager.exe is not a valid Win32 Application.

So I tried the Manual Download of ISG and FSNavigator Windown components and was able to download those however when I went to run the .exe I got the same exact string of data about not being a valid Win32 appliication.

Did something change with the last update that does not allow users with Win XP to use the software anymore?

Hope there is a way to solve this issue so my subscription does not go to waste.

Thank you

Phil Cohen
WestWind Virtual Airlines

Hi Phil,

Yes, FMS Data Manager will not work under Win XP.

You should be able to run manual installers from FMS Manual Installation

Please let us know how you get on.


Ian, did this change in the last month? Because I have been using the data manager with Win XP since I reactivated my account last February. I have been able to update every airac cycle with it up to 2102.

I do have 2 computers networked here so I tried something.

I was able to use the Manual Download on my Win 7 laptop I had to make Microsoft Games/FS9/ISG & Microsoft Games/FS9/Modules/FSNavigator folders in order to extract the files. Once extracted I was able to copy and paste them to my Microsoft Games/FS9 shared folder on the sim computer.

Now to run the FSNavDBC and see if this worked. Will let you know the outcome once that is done and I am back in the sim.

The Sim is open and I am seeing AIRAC 2103 guess I will be getting my monthly updates with a few extra steps involved from now on.

Thank you for the response and the suggestion to try the Manual Installer.

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