Navigraph charts window

Since Navigraph is such an integral part of the sim, Is there any way you can get with Asobo to create a much less intrusive minimized bar. It takes way too long to open navigraph charts from scratch from the MSFS bar, and if left running and minimized, it leaves this massively long window bar that simply takes up too much screen real estate. Surely something can be done about this eyesore.

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Hello Thomas! Thanks for the feedback, it’s nice to hear that you find our product to be an integral part of your flightsim experience.

Have you had a look at the changelog? There’s a “hidden gem” - pressing Ctrl + N toggles the visibility of the panel without the extra loading time. This way, I think you’ll be able to achieve roughly what you want with the existing panel.

Kind Regards,

Beautiful! I’m looking forward to passing this hidden gem along to some of the YouTubers I watch.

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