Lazy loading inside the simulator

I have a powerful desktop PC.

Windows 11
Ryzen 9 5950x
ram 64gb

The simulator is installed on a m.2 Samsung evo 970 plus

The problem is the following:

Navigraph is very slow inside the simulator, I don’t like to use it because when it is activated it takes time to load in order to see the flight charts or the flight plan. I prefer to use my cell phone. But it must not be so. I watch some videos of other guys and some of them are going smoothly, but I’m uncomfortable with this.

I made the comment (the only one) in the playstore and they suggested me to do it here so that the programmers can see and review my case.

Greetings and I hope a positive response.


You can use the key command Ctrl + N to show and hide the panel instantly, after its initial load. Have you tried that?



Thank you very much, the command has worked.

Pressing it doesn’t work, I have to enable the interface from the top menu, then once started and closed and trying to press the command you told me, it works fast. It is only the first time that it takes around 15 seconds.

Thank you so much!

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