Post here for Charts issues which are not specifically Charts Desktop, Charts Cloud, Charts iOS and Charts Android.
glrp airport is misslocated
SKRG ILS app not available. Could you help please?
A post was split to a new topic: P3D 5.2 King Air B200 from Flight1 not recognized by the FMS Data Manager
Hallo, I beg pardon for possible mistakes, being the first time in this forum. I am a MSFS2020 user and I had to remove Navigraph from the game because of loading bug, they asked to reduce the sim to vanilla status. how can I reinstall the charts in-game? Thanks
Charts 8 looks amazing! Just a quick question. How do you manage flight plans in Charts 8? I can’t find a way to delete them.
I have the same question. How does one delete Flight plans in Charts 8 ?
Best Regards
When NC is minimized, looking at the bottom the search, flight, airports, and setting tools are shown. They are irrelevant to the minimized screen and could/should be removed.
Issue 2, when I open NC on a PC, it opens to an almost full screen minimized. I’ve saved and exited in full screen mode, but when reopening is reverts to the minimized mode. Running Windows 11.
Found it yet? For me, using Chrome and Windows10, click on “taking off aeroplane icon” then click the “Unload” icon at top.
Thank You ! that worked
OK, I am new to Navigraph but I see from looking around here a little bit that I am experiencing same of the same troubles with Navigate Charts 8 and SimLink. My original reason for signing up with Navigraph was to update AIRAC info in some of my planes in P3dv5.3. The FMS Data Manager downloaded and ran great. I was able to quickly update my data.
Now moving on to the next day. I decided why not download Navigraph Charts so I could bring up the Jeppeson Charts. I downloaded the installer for Navigraph Charts + Simlink. I have installed and reinstalled this thing six times with no success. I really wasn’t looking for anything more than just being able to access the charts on Navigraph on another screen adjacent to my Sim. However since your site offered, I took the downloader that installed both. I use that word “installed” very loosely here because I have had nothing but two days worth of headaches trying to make it work. SimLink started throwing errors immediately after the installation began. I followed through with their directions to no avail because SimLink would still not complete installation before throwing errors. The installer did put a Navigraph Chart icon on my desktop so I clicked it and got a nice "Whats New in Navigraph homepage. However that page is immediately stuck and I can get no mouse or keyboard reaction to it. It doesn’t appear to run. I am running a 64bit i9-9900 processor which is overclocked to approx 5.3 Mhz. I have 64G of RAM and my flight sim hard drives are all SSD’s. Add to that the fact I do have a newer EVGA 3080 ti video card and there is no reason my computer should not run this program with no problems but that is not the case. After 3 tries with SimLink I elected not to install SimLink on my 4th installation. Once again I got a nice Navigraph Icon on my desktop but it immediately freezes at that first home page. Don['t tell me to run Chrome because I absolutely will not allow that piece of junk on my worst enemy’s computer. I see on here that others are plagued by some of the same problems even when Chrome is their default. I run Firefox and have no issues with any other software on my machine. As I stated, I’d be happy just to be able to pull up the charts on a separate screen to reference while I am flying. Please help or else our subscription relationship will be a very short-lived one.
im new here my name is Peter.
When i check the maps *charts),
in the STAR section (arrival), i don’t see the infos
about altitudes + speeds. We need that to prevent
missed the STAR and ILS. Can you tell me where
i can find those infos ? Altitudes/speeds during STAR.
I never see on the Navigraph maps.
Thanks to you.
Hello, I want to know what is happening with the navigraph GPS where my plane is located. Yesterday it was disconnected. It is very important to constantly check everything so that incidents do not occur, since we are going through it.
monthly service. thank you so much.
A post was split to a new topic: View airways on charts