Navigraph Charts Flight Plan Not Being Saved In XP12 As .fms File

Have enjoyed using Navigraph Charts to create flight plans in X-Plane 12 for some time now. Have the latest version installed, as well, and I’m enjoying it immensely.

Yesterday [29 January 2024], I downloaded and installed X-Plane’s latest update. Today, I planned this flight:

I exported this Plan the same way I’ve always done [successfully] in the past; however, today, when I was inside my aircraft and attempting to upload/import it into my GPS, XP’s Saved Flight Plans screen opened and it was… empty. I then opened X-Plane 12>Output>FMS plans and noted this:

Previously, there was an .fms after the Plan’s name. Now? Nothing – and that’s why I think it’s not showing up.

I’m presuming this is a problem with XP’s update, but I wanted to at least try to eliminate anything at the NC end, as well. Thoughts? Thanks!

Hello! Welcome to our forum!

When exporting the flight, are you sure that you didn’t accidentally remove the file extension in the save dialog? I tried exporting an X-Plane file and the .fms extension is there.


Kind Regards,

Thanks so much for your reply, Malte.

Well, I seen to have solved my ‘riddle’ and restored the ability to save Flight Plans as .fms files, though… uh… in a slightly different way than before.

I now must physically add .fms to the name of the file. Previously, that was not required. Hmmm… I’m thinking this is a change in X-Plane and not with NC. Anyway, that no longer matters. I’m flying this right now – and I’m… uh… sure glad I didn’t have to manually enter each waypoint in my GPS! :wink:

Thanks again for your response. This one’s now ‘Resolved | Case Closed’. :+1:

This sounds odd to me - when I save a file it does indeed have a file extension. But if you found a way to make it work anyway, that’s great! Have a nice flight!

Kind Regards,

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