Navdata not updating X-plane 11, downloads but doesnt install

I used the FMS data app in an attempt to update my navdata on X-plane 11, and was presented with 2 options

  1. Update MD80
  2. Update x-plane 11

they both said ready to update, clicking update downloaded data, but after finished still said ready to update, they werent installed

I also wanted to update X-Plane 12 and little navmap but those were not offered.

After clicking the paths of the 2 options above they were both pointed to navigraph folder
Now I see a scan button which then added in both Little Navmap and X-Plane 12 whey did I have to come here of figure this out? Both newly scanned items updated, but not the original 2 shown above.

After the download the app still say the 2 above are still not installed.

I also have installed 2 Airfoillabs planes and 2 LES planes do I have to manually install those too?

Spending hours on this, just to update navdata not exactly fun!

I see in the MD80 Navdata folder has recent date in it but airac is 1607 in the cycle_into.txt

XP11 custom data folder is empty, the default data folder has earth_nav.dat et al in it.

Never mind, I manually installed and seems fine. so far.

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